Rehabilitation Therapy Assistant
This program has been designed to prepare and formally train individuals to work in partnership with, and under the direction of physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
Graduates of this program may seek employment opportunities in clinics, community and private agencies, institutions, and rehabilitation centres where a physiotherapist or occupational
therapist may be employed.
Physiotherapists or occupational therapists (and assistants) may be found in settings as hospitals; physiotherapy clinics; long-term care facilities/homes for the aged; sports medicine clinics; sports and training organizations; health care and fitness spas and clinics; public health services; adult day care centres/group homes; recreational therapy facilities; wellness centres; clinics offering chiropractic, homeopathic and naturopathic care; and facilities offering prosthetic services.
Program is 18 months and includes a 20 week on the job training practicum. Program is a combination of online and on campus classes.